Trusts Image
Restatement of the Law Third,


This work provides a contemporary treatment of trust law, offering authoritative guidance to legislators, judges, and those who counsel trustees and beneficiaries or endeavor to draft instruments that accurately reflect the lawful intentions of donors. The work represents a complete revision of the  Restatement Second, which is no longer in print. Volumes 1 and 2 cover the nature, creation, and elements of trusts; interests and rights of beneficiaries; and trust modification and termination. Volume 3 deals with trustee powers and duties and incorporates an updated version of an earlier Prudent Investor volume. The fourth volume covers trust administration, particularly breaches of trust and the appropriate legal remedies.

Volume 2 is currently not available in print.

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  • Volumes
  • Appendices
  • Pocket Parts


  • Official Text Vol. 1 Image
    Official Text Vol. 1
    433 pages, 2003, #1R3TRV1OT

    Volume 1 covers nature, characteristics, and types of trusts and creation of trusts.

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  • Official Text Vol. 3 Image
    Official Text Vol. 3
    474 pages, 2007, #1R3TRV3OT

    Volume 3 covers trustee powers and duties and includes an updated version of the Prudent Investor Rule volume published in 1992, superseding that volume.

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  • Official Text Vol. 4 Image
    Official Text Vol. 4
    200 pages, 2012, #1R3TRV4OT

    Volume 4 covers trust administration, especially breaches of trust, issues of liability, and appropriate legal remedies. Volume 4 also contains an entirely new approach to principal-and-income accounting.

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  • Current Offerings:
    • Appendix 5 (July 1986 through June 2013)

      This volume contains all relevant citations to the original Restatement of the Law of Trusts, Trusts 2nd, and Trust 3d, that were reported from July 1986 through June 2013.

      $147.00 868 pages 2014 #14AXTR1




  • Current Offerings:
    • 2024 REST PKPT TRUSTS 3D V5 43312915

      This Cumulative Annual Pocket Part contains citations from July 2013 through June 2023 to the Restatement of the Law of Trusts (2 Vols.), Restatement of the Law Second, Trusts 2d (2 Vols.), and Restatement of the Law Third, Trusts (4 Vols.). For earlier citations, Appendix Volumes 3, 4, and 5 of the Restatement of the Law Second, Trusts 2d (1959, 1987, 1987), and Appendix Volume 5 of the Restatement of the Law Third, Trusts (2014) should be consulted. If there are no previous citations, the notation No earlier citations appears under the section or other title.

      FGN - 43312915

      $96.00 200+ pages 2024 #24PPTR