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Elected Member


Durham, NC, USA
Duke University School of Law
Georgetown University
University of Chicago Law School

Veronica Root Martinez is an expert in the fields of professional and organizational ethics, and she is one of the nation’s foremost experts on corporate misconduct and compliance. She is the nation’s leading academic expert on the role of monitors and monitorships. Her extensive body of work encompasses an interdisciplinary approach, drawing insights from ethics, compliance, corporate and securities law, and workplace law. Martinez's research is dedicated to developing strategies that will empower organizations to achieve three pivotal objectives: (i) fostering ethical standards within professional and organizational environments, (ii) ensuring sustained adherence to legal and regulatory mandates, and (iii) cultivating an organizational environment that champions diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Martinez’s scholarly contributions have been published in numerous legal journals, including the Harvard Law Review, Columbia Law Review, Cornell Law Review, Virginia Law Review, Northwestern Law Review, The Yale Law Journal Forum, and The University of Chicago Law Review Online. Martinez's forthcoming book, "Building an Effective Ethics and Compliance Program," is forthcoming with Edward Elgar. She also serves as a co-author on the 5th Edition of the casebook, SECURITIES LITIGATION, ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE.  Finally, she has joined as a co-author on the 6th Edition of the casebook, PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY: A CONTEMPORARY APPROACH.