About Our Members
The American Law Institute is first and foremost a membership organization. The Institute's greatest strength lies in the intellectual caliber of its members and the wide range of expertise they bring to its projects. Our membership consists of eminent judges, lawyers, and law professors from all areas of the United States and from many foreign countries, selected on the basis of professional achievement and demonstrated interest in improving the law.
To further its work, the Institute elects individuals who reflect the excellence and diversity of today's legal profession. Membership in The American Law Institute is a distinct professional honor, and the number of elected members is limited.
Members are expected to participate in the work of the Institute in a significant way. Members may participate by attending an Annual Meeting, submitting written comments on a draft, serving as a Reporter, Adviser, or consultant on an Institute project, participating in a Members Consultative Group, being a speaker, lecturer, or author for American Law Institute Continuing Legal Education (ALI CLE), or otherwise advancing the work or objectives of the Institute or ALI CLE.
In addition to participation, elected members are obliged to pay annual dues. Current annual dues for elected members are $475 for practicing attorneys (firm, solo, and corporate), $300 for academics, and $150 for judges or other government employees; and employees of an eleemosynary or other nonprofit organization.
The Election Process
The election of an individual to The American Law Institute begins with a confidential nomination by an ALI member who is well acquainted with the candidate's work, which is then supported by seconding letters from two additional ALI members. In sponsoring a candidate for membership, the nominating ALI member affirms his or her personal assessment that the candidate meets the primary criteria of excellence and outstanding professional achievement in his or her area of expertise.
New members are elected three times per year by the Council or Executive Committee based on recommendations by the Membership Committee. The Committee is composed of nine to thirteen members of the Council.
The Membership Committee and the Council are committed to fostering a membership that will reflect the broad diversity of the legal profession in the United States and abroad, including with regard to (but not limited to) age, gender, race, ethnicity, expertise, geographic region, viewpoints and type and size of practice or other professional work. The overall goal is to ensure a membership that will keep the Institute a vibrant, relevant, and distinguished membership organization as it carries out its mission throughout the 21st century.
Members may log in for additional information and to access a proposal form. You must log in using your email address on file with ALI. If you have forgotten your password, use the "Forgot your password?" option on the log-in page.
Contact Information
All questions or general correspondence on membership matters should be sent to:
Membership Department
The American Law Institute
4025 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Telephone: 215-243-1666 or 1624
E-mail: membership@ali.org