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Washington, DC, USA
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Harvard University, Economics
Stanford Law School, JD

Jude Kearney is Managing Partner at at ASAFO & Co. US LLP, where he focuses his practice on corporate transactions, with an emphasis on international project finance. He handles matters involving energy development, mergers and acquisitions and corporate matters, and has specific experience in international markets, including Africa, Eastern Europe, and Asia.

Mr. Kearney works with major U.S. and foreign clients in the areas of energy, telecommunications, infrastructure projects and financial services, providing counsel on the structure and terms of his clients’ commercial relationships as they relate to project developments in foreign markets. Additionally, he has participated in various trade and bilateral negotiations including in regards to GATT, NAFTA, and market access negotiations with Japan and China.

EDUCATION: Harvard University, A.B.; Stanford Law School, J.D.