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Elected Member


Cambridge, MA, USA
Harvard Law School
Harvard College, AB
Yale University, PhD
Yale Law School, JD

Maureen “Molly” Brady is the Louis D. Brandeis Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, where she teaches property law and related subjects. Her scholarship uses historical analyses of property institutions, land use doctrines, and state constitutions to explore broader theoretical questions. Her articles have been published or are forthcoming in the Harvard Law Review, Yale Law JournalVirginia Law ReviewUniversity of Pennsylvania Law Review Online, and the Cardozo Law Review, among other forums.

Previously, Professor Brady taught at the University of Virginia School of Law, where she received the 2019 UVA Student Council Distinguished Teaching Award, the 2018 Z Society Distinguished Faculty Award for “one outstanding member of the University’s faculty who has positively impacted the student body,” and an invitation to the Seven Society 27th Annual Monticello Dinner Series for “exemplary scholarship and transformative instruction of students.” Her 2019 article, “The Forgotten History of Metes and Bounds,” won the Association of American Law Schools’ Scholarly Papers Prize for junior faculty members in their first five years of law teaching. Before becoming a professor, she served as a clerk to Judge Bruce M. Selya on the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, practiced at Ropes and Gray in Boston as a corporate associate focusing on intellectual property transactions, and graduated in the first class of the PhD in Law program at Yale University.