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Elected Member


Fort Worth, TX, USA
Texas A&M University School of Law
Haverford College
Villanova University School of Law

Timothy M. Mulvaney is a professor of law at Texas A&M University School of Law. He writes and teaches in the areas of property, land use, and environmental law. His most recent works include Beneath Property Taxes, 123 Columbia Law Review (forthcoming 2023); Essential Property, 107 Minnesota Law Review (forthcoming 2023) (with Joseph W. Singer); Property’s Compulsory Terms, 117 Northwestern University Law Review 191 (2022); Walling Out, 94 Southern California Law Review 1 (2021); and Takings Localism, 121 Columbia Law Review 215 (2021) (with Nestor Davidson). He currently serves as the President of the Association for Law, Property, & Society, an international organization of academics and practitioners engaged in interdisciplinary legal scholarship on all aspects of property law and policy, including land use, housing, the environment, and beyond.