
Thomas Butler Merritt. Lawyer. Born Apr. 3, 1939, Toledo, Ohio, son of George Robert and Bernice (Gerwin) Merritt. Married: Mary Jane (Bothfeld), Jul. 23, 1966. Children: Thomas Butler, Jr.; Haidee Soule; Theodore Bothfeld.
A.B. magna cum laude, Harvard University, 1961; LL.B. cum laude, ibid., 1966. Member bar of Mass., N.H., U.S. Court of Appeals (1st Cir.), U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, Supreme Court of the U.S.
Served to Captain, USAR, 1961-1969. With N.Y. State Dep't of Civil Service, Albany, 1961-1963, Office of the Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State, Washington, summer,1965. Law clerk to Justice Arthur E. Whittemore, Supreme Judicial Court of Mass., 1966-1967. With law firms: Nutter McClennen & Fish, 1967-1969, Palmer & Dodge, 1969-1973, Boston. Assistant Legal Counsel, Office of the Governor of Mass., 1973. Reporter of Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court and Appeals Court of Mass., 1973-1994. General practice, N.H. since 1995.
Member, N.H. Board of Natural Scientists, 2005-2015; N.H. Genetic Counselors Governing Board, 2015-2019
Publication: Massachusetts Practice Series, Consumer Law, 3d ed. 2009, 4th ed.2020.