A. Benjamin

A. Benjamin Spencer is the Dean & Trustee Professor at William & Mary Law School. Previously, Dean Spencer was the Bennett Boskey Visiting Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and the Justice Thurgood Marshall Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Virginia School of Law. He has also been a member of the faculty at the University of Richmond School of Law and Washington & Lee University School of Law. He specializes in federal civil procedure, teaching several courses on the topic as well as publishing several books and articles in the area. He also sits on the National Conference of Bar Examiners Multistate Bar Exam Civil Procedure Drafting Committee as well as West Academic Publishing’s Law School Advisory Board. Dean Spencer has served as a member of the Advisory Committee on Civil Rules of the U.S. Judicial Conference. He has also served as a member of the Virginia State Bar Council, the Board of Governors of the Virginia Bar Association, and the Board of Directors of the Association of Marshall Scholars. He has also served as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Western District of Virginia and is currently an officer in the U.S. Army JAG Corps (Reserve). He is a graduate of Morehouse College, the London School of Economics (Marshall Scholar), and Harvard Law School.