Last fall, UCLA Law hosted a symposium on the Restatement of the Law, Charitable Nonprofit Organizations. The symposium—sponsored by ALI, the UCLA School of Law Lowell Milken Institute for Business Law & Policy, the UCLA School of Law Program on Philanthropy and Nonprofits, and the UCLA Law Review–brought together a group of about 40 leading academics and nonprofit lawyers, as well as regulators from Attorney General’s Offices in California, Texas, New York, and Pennsylvania.
The papers discussed were recently published by the UCLA Law Review, featuring the below discussion papers:
“Preface to the UCLA Symposium on the Restatement of the Law, Charitable Nonprofit Organizations” by Jill R. Horwitz
“When Donor Meets Purpose” by Atinuke O. Adediran
“The Restatement of Charitable Nonprofits and the Changing Nature of the Modern Investment Committee” by Garry W. Jenkins
“Use of Restricted Assets During a Crisis: Is It Time to Raid the Endowment?” by Reporter Jill R. Horwitz
“Laws Governing Restrictions on Charitable Gifts: The Consequences of Codification” by Associate Reporter Nancy A. McLaughlin
“Allocating State Authority Over Charitable Nonprofit Organizations” by Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer
The papers are available online at UCLA Law also recently published a profile of Restatement Reporter Horwitz, available online at