The Board of Regents of the Texas A&M University System has designated Peter K. Yu a Regents Professor. Professor Yu directs the Center for Law and Intellectual Property and holds a joint appointment at the School of Law and the Department of Communication at Texas A&M University. He became the first professor from the School of Law to receive this systemwide honor.
Established in 1996, the Regents Professor award is the highest honor that the Texas A&M University System bestows on a faculty member. Recognizing exemplary performance in teaching, research and service, this award honors "achievements that had an impact on not only their institution or agency, but also the community, the state of Texas and/or at the national and international levels."
Professor Yu is an award-winning teacher, a prolific scholar and a world-renowned expert on international intellectual property and communications law. He also writes and lectures extensively on international trade, international and comparative law and the transition of the legal systems in China and Hong Kong.
Learn more here.