Patricia Wald Presents O’Connor Justice Prize to Former President Jimmy Carter
Patricia M. Wald, retired chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit and ALI Council Emeritus, presented the O’Connor Justice Prize to former President Jimmy Carter. The Prize, recognizing individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to advancing the rule of law, justice, and human rights, is awarded by Arizona State University and named for retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.
In her introductory remarks, Chief Judge Wald, whom President Carter appointed as a federal appeals court judge, highlighted President Carter’s international legacy, noting that “he has sincerely earned his title as the ‘human rights president.’”
Retired United States Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens also spoke at the event. He celebrated both President Carter and Justice O’Connor for their years of service and asked the room to join him in a toast to their accomplishments.
Advisory board member for the O’Connor Justice Prize and ALI Council member Scott Bales, Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court, provided additional remarks at the dinner event. Chief Justice Bales serves on the advisory board with fellow ALI members, Katherine L. Adams of Honeywell, Nicole F. Stanton of Quarles & Brady, and Douglas J. Sylvester of Arizona State University, Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law.