Norman M. Powell of Young Conaway has been appointed to a two-year term on the Board of Directors of the Working Group on Legal Opinions Foundation (WGLO).
WGLO's mission is to bring together all constituencies concerned with giving and receiving legal opinions in order to foster a national opinion perspective, broaden the consensus that exists, and provide a continuing forum for discussion of opinion issues. Twice each year WGLO brings together the heads of Law Firm Opinion Committees, representatives of Bar Associations and other attorney groups as well as representatives of opinion recipients and issuers to discuss current issues confronting the legal opinion bar.
Mr. Powell is a partner in the Delaware law firm of Young Conaway, where he provides guidance and renders legal opinions regarding security interests and all aspects of the laws governing Delaware entities in both domestic and international transactions. He has held leadership positions in the American Bar Association and its Business Law Section for more than a decade, and currently serves as President of the American College of Commercial Finance Lawyers. As an elected member of The American Law Institute and an Adviser to the Permanent Editorial Board on the UCC, Mr. Powell participates in various drafting committees under the auspices of The American Law Institute and the Uniform Law Commission.