In his recent CALmatters commentary, Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar of the Supreme Court of California discusses his work as chair of California’s Language Access Plan Implementation Task Force. The task force is responsible for the operations, oversight, and reform of language access in California’s court system — the largest in the country. California is now able to provide interpreter services to all people who need them in our courts, including not only in criminal cases but in virtually all types of civil cases.
Justice Cuéllar shares the challenges associated with finding interpreters for the full range of language needs, while also stressing the increasing importance of improving equal language access in the courts. He talks about the task force’s efforts to recruit new interpreters, identify regional needs, support training programs, and work with developing technology.
“Our goal is to deliver on the courts’ promise of ensuring equal access to justice for all Californians, no matter what language they speak. With strong support from judges and court leaders, interpreters and Legislators, our task force has made tremendous gains over the last four years.”
Read the full piece here.