In response to the growing legal needs of ordinary Americans arising from the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the ABA has created a nationwide task force of volunteer lawyers and judges from across the legal profession.
The task force will include up to 20 representatives from top legal organizations in the United States, and will identify legal needs arising from the pandemic, make recommendations to address those needs, and help mobilize volunteer lawyers and legal professionals for people who need help.
The task force will be chaired by retired president of the Legal Services Corporation James J. Sandman and will include experts in disaster response, health law, insurance, legal needs of families to protect basic human needs such as food, shelter, medical and employment benefits, criminal justice, civil rights and social justice.
“As the pandemic spreads, thousands of Americans will need help – not just with medical issues but also with legal issues including lost jobs, evictions, insurance claims, family emergencies and obtaining government benefits they need to survive,” ABA President Judy Perry Martinez said. “Those who come before our criminal justice system will face additional challenges as jobs are lost, the inability to pay fines and fees escalates and we face a greater risk of detentions. In times of crisis, lawyers help. With this task force, we will start by looking for where the need is greatest and where we can make the biggest difference for people in dire situations.”
Learn more here.