ALI Council Member, Elizabeth S. Stong of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of New York has been named Honorary Chair for New York State Unified Court System’s Annual Mediation Settlement Day on October 13 at New York Law School. The free event will open with networking, a panel discussion with available CLE credits, the Frontline Champion Award Presentation, and close with Judge Stong’s keynote address.
Judge Stong chairs the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges International Judicial Relations Committee and is also an adjunct professor at St. John’s University School of Law and Brooklyn Law School. She has served on the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of New York since 2003. She began her career as a law clerk to Honorable A. David Mazzone, U.S. District Judge in the District of Massachusetts, then transitioned to an associate at Cravath, Swaine & Moore, and progressed to litigation partner and associate at Willkie Farr & Gallagher in New York.
From the event page:
“Judge Stong has been active in the dispute resolution community for more than twenty years, including as a mediator, arbitrator, and mediator trainer. As New York City Bar ADR Committee Chair, she was instrumental in establishing the first Mediation Settlement Day in 2001. She continues to serve as a judicial mediator and is often called upon to train judges in the United States and Europe, Asia, and Africa in mediation and facilitative case management techniques.”
Past Honorary Chairs include ALI members Kenneth R. Feinberg of Feinberg Rozen LLP and Janet W. Reno, former U.S. Attorney General.