Daniel J. Solove is the John Marshall Harlan Research Professor of Law at the George Washington University Law School. He is also the founder of TeachPrivacy, a privacy and cybersecurity training company.
One of the world’s leading experts in privacy law, Professor Solove has lectured at universities, companies, and government agencies around the world and been interviewed and quoted by the media in several hundred articles and broadcasts, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, the Associated Press, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and NPR.
Solove is the author of numerous books, including Nothing to Hide: The False Tradeoff Between Privacy and Security (Yale 2011), Understanding Privacy (Harvard 2008), and The Future of Reputation: Gossip and Rumor in the Information Age (Yale 2007). The Future of Reputation won the 2007 McGannon Award, and his books have been translated into Chinese, Italian, Korean, Japanese, and Bulgarian, among other languages.
Professor Solove is also the author of several textbooks, including: Information Privacy Law (Aspen Publishing, 5th ed. 2015), Privacy, Law Enforcement, and National Security (Aspen Publishing, 1st ed. 2015), Consumer Privacy and Data Protection (Aspen Publishing, 1st ed. 2015), Privacy and the Media (Aspen Publishing, 2nd ed. 2015) (all textbooks with Paul M. Schwartz). Additionally, he is the author of the treatise Privacy Law Fundamentals (IAPP 3rd edition 2015) (with Paul M. Schwartz).
He has written more than 50 law review articles in the Harvard Law Review, Yale Law Journal, Stanford Law Review, Columbia Law Review, NYU Law Review, Michigan Law Review, U. Pennsylvania Law Review, U. Chicago Law Review, California Law Review, Duke Law Journal, and many others.
He has also written shorter works for Scientific American, Washington Post, Wired, and several other newspapers and periodicals.
Professor Solove is co-reporter of the American Law Institute's Principles of Law, Data Privacy. He is the organizer of several annual events, including the Privacy + Security Forum, the Privacy Law Salon: Privacy Roundtable, the Privacy Law Salon: Policymaker Roundtable, the Privacy Law Scholars Conference, and the Higher Education Privacy Conference.
Professor Solove has testified before Congress, has contributed to amicus briefs before the U.S. Supreme Court, and has served as a consultant or expert witness in a number of high-profile privacy cases involving Fortune 500 companies and celebrities.
His work has been cited in more than 2000 publications, excerpted in many casebooks, and discussed in many judicial opinions, including those by the U.S. Supreme Court, federal courts of appeal, district courts, and state supreme courts.
Professor Solove serves on the advisory boards of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Future of Privacy Forum, and the Law and Humanities Institute. He is a fellow at the Ponemon Institute and at the Yale Law School’s Information Society Project.