Life Member

Edwin E. Huddleson

Washington, DC
University of Chicago Law School

After graduating from Stanford and the University of Chicago Law School, Edwin E. Huddleson served as a judicial law clerk for Judge Charles M. Merrill on the US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. Thereafter, he litigated a wide variety of nationally significant cases for the US Department of Justice in the federal courts of appeal and the US Supreme Court. These cases included, for example, an Establishment Clause challenge to the creche scene on park land opposite the White House; voting rights cases involving the US Attorney General's preclearance procedures under the Voting Rights Act and the Constitution; the validity of the military's drug contol program in Europe; equal protection and due process cases; the jurisdiction of the US Court of Federal Claims; the first "wrongful life" case in federal court; and a wide variety of cases involving court of appeals review of admnistrative agency action; as well as a few other cases where he wrote the government's briefs for submssion to the US Supreme Court but declined to sign them because of disagreement with the government's position (specifically, a case seeking to overturn the constitutional Due Process rulings in Goldberg v. Kelly, and a case seeking to overturn the successful Establshment Clause challenge to compulsory chapel attendance in the military academies (West Point, Annapolis, Colorado Springs)).

A member of the California, DC, Maryland, and New York bars, he has represented clients before the US Supreme Court, each of the thirteen federal courts of appeals, various trial courts and administrative agencies, Congress, and each of the 50 State legislatures plus the DC Council, The clients he has represented in private practice include large and small corporations; non profits; cabinet officers; high-ranking members of the Saudi royal family; Columbia University; the RAND Corporation, Silicon Valley start-up companies; and high tech cell phone, software, and biotech companies, as well as pro bono work for consumers, tenants, and school teachers, convicted felons, the Innocence Projects, NACDL, the Sierra Club, and the District of Columbia (see Michel v Anderson, 14 F.3d 623 (D.C.Cir. 1994)).  Torts, contracts, Superfund/RCRA cleanup (the first case to recover Superfund response costs from the federal government), administrative law issues, IP licensing for artificial blood from chemicals, patents, utility rate cases, government contract cases, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission work have all been part of his law practice.

While in private practice, he also represented the vehicle and equipment leasing industry in drafting and revising UCC Article 2A-Leases (1987, 1990, 2003), in enacting a model TRAC/state law in all 50 states and the DIstrict of Columbia, in expanding Superfund's "secured creditor" exception to cover finance lessors, and on amendments to UCC Article 9, UETA, and a wide variety of federal tax and regulatory issues. He served as an ALI-appointed member of the Drafting Committee revising UCC Article 5- Letters of credit; a member of the US Court of Appeals, DC Circuit Committee on Procedures (2002-2008), and the Administrative Law Judge implementing federally-mandated home owners energy conservation programs in DC (Washington Gas Light Co, 3 DCPSC 125 (1982)).

Originator of the Harold Leventhal talks on administrative law by DC Circuit Judges, Justice John Paul Stevens, and others (available on the web, google Harold Leventhal talks, DC Bar), he has published articles on commercial law (equipment leaasing, enviromental law), criiminal procedure, administrative law, constitutional law, and appellate advocacy in the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, magazines, treatises, and law review articles.  Other information, including his most recent article, Chevron Under Siege, 58 U Louisville L.Rev. 17 (2019-2020), is available at (

Areas of Expertise
Administrative Law
Appellate Practice & Procedure (Litigation)
Business Law (Commercial Law)
Commercial Law
Constitutional Law
Contracts Law
Federal Courts
Federal Jurisdiction (Federal Courts)
Federal Civil Procedure (Federal Courts)
General Practice
Leasing (Contracts Law)
Public Law (Administrative)