This is special publication commemorating the Institute’s 75th Anniversary is out of print. The material is available on Hein Online.
This volume contains major essays on ALI’s history by John P. Frank (“The American Law Institute: 1923-1998”) and N. E. H. Hull (“Restatement and Reform: A New Perspective on the Origins of The American Law Institute” and “Back to the ‘Future of the Institute’: William Draper Lewis’s Vision of the ALI’s Mission During Its First Twenty-Five Years and the Implications for the Institute’s Seventy-Fifth Anniversary”), together with the full text of significant historical documents relevant to the essays, including the Institute’s founding document, the “Report of the Committee Proposing the Establishment of an American Law Institute” (1923); the “Statement of Essential Human Rights” (1945), an important influence on the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights; and the report of Learned Hand’s “Special Committee on Future Program” (1947), which provided a blueprint for the Institute’s agenda in the years following World War II. Also included are lists of the Institute’s leaders during its first 75 years of existence — Organizers and Founders, Officers, Members of the Council, and Members of the ALI-ABA Committee on Continuing Professional Education — and a comprehensive bibliography of writings about the Institute and its work during that same period.