This work, widely relied upon and often cited by the courts, offers comprehensive and concise coverage of the law of torts, with scholarly and analytical discussion of particular rules. These volumes constitute a revision of the original Restatement of Torts and supersede the original work. Portions of this work are superseded by the Restatement Third of Torts: Liability for Physical and Emotional Harm (2010/2012), Apportionment of Liability (2000), Products Liability (1998), and Liability for Economic Harm (2020).
553 pages, 1965, #5204
The coverage of Volume 1 includes intentional invasions of interests in personality; privilege arising from consent to intended invasions of interests of personality; defenses of person, land, and chattels-recaption; arrest and prevention of crime; and military orders, discipline, and protection of others, among other topics. It contains Sections 1 to 280.
The coverage of Volume 1 includes intentional invasions of interests in personality; privilege arising from consent to intended invasions of interests of personality; defenses of person, land, and chattels-recaption; arrest and prevention of crime; military orders, discipline, and protection of others; invasions of the interest in the exclusive possession of land and its physical condition (trespass on land); privileged entries on land; intentional invasions of interests in the present and future possession of chattels; privileges intentionally to invade interests in present and future possession of chattels; and causal relation necessary to liability for intentional invasions of interests of personality, land, and chattels.
Division 1. Intentional Harms to Persons, Land, and Chattels
Chapter 1. Meaning of Terms Used Throughout the Restatement of Torts
Chapter 2. Intentional Invasions of Interests in Personality
Chapter 3. Privilege Arising from Consent to Intended Invasions of Interests of Personality
Chapter 4. Defenses of Person, Land, and Chattels-Recaption
Chapter 5. Arrest and Prevention of Crime
Chapter 6. Military Orders, Discipline, and Protection of Others
Chapter 7. Invasions of the Interest in the Exclusive Possession of Land and its Physical Condition (Trespass on Land)
Chapter 8. Privileged Entries on Land
Chapter 9. Intentional Invasions of Interests in the Present and Future Possession of Chattels
Chapter 10. Privileges Intentionally to Invade Interests in Present and Future Possession of Chattels
Chapter 11. Causal Relation Necessary to Liability for Intentional Invasions of Interests of Personality, Land, and Chattels
William L. Prosser, University of California, Hastings College of Law, San Francisco, CA
John W. Wade, Vanderbilt University School of Law, Nashville, TN
Associate Reporter for Chapter 41:
Frank J. Trelease, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, Sacramento, CA
646 pages, 1965, #5492
Volume 2, Negligence, covers general principles; liability for condition and use of land; liability of persons supplying chattels for the use of others; liability of an employer of an independent contractor; the causal relation necessary to responsibility for negligence; contributory negligence; assumption of risk; negligent invasions of interests in the physical condition of land and chattels; and reckless disregard of safety. It contains Sections 281 to 503.
Volume 2, Negligence, covers general principles; liability for condition and use of land; liability of persons supplying chattels for the use of others; liability of an employer of an independent contractor; the causal relation necessary to responsibility for negligence; contributory negligence; assumption of risk; negligent invasions of interests in the physical condition of land and chattels; and reckless disregard of safety.
Division 2. Negligence
Chapter 12. General Principles
Chapter 13. Liability for Condition and Use of Land
Chapter 14. Liability of Persons Supplying Chattels for the Use of Others
Chapter 15. Liability of an Employer of an Independent Contractor
Chapter 16. The Causal Relation Necessary to Responsibility for Negligence
Chapter 17. Contributory Negligence
Chapter 17 A. Assumption of Risk
Chapter 18. Negligent Invasions of Interests in the Physical Condition of Land and Chattels
Chapter 19. Reckless Disregard of Safety
William L. Prosser, University of California, Hastings College of Law, San Francisco, CA
John W. Wade, Vanderbilt University School of Law, Nashville, TN
Associate Reporter for Chapter 41:
Frank J. Trelease, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, Sacramento, CA
585 pages, 1977, #5205
Volume 3 covers strict liability; misrepresentation; defamation; injurious falsehood; privacy; unjustifiable litigation; and interference in domestic relations. It contains Sections 504 to 707A.
Volume 3 covers strict liability; misrepresentation; defamation; injurious falsehood; privacy; unjustifiable litigation; and interference in domestic relations.
Division 3. Strict Liability
Chapter 20. Liability of Possessors and Harborers of Animals
Chapter 21. Abnormally Dangerous Activities
Division 4. Misrepresentation
Chapter 22. Misrepresentation and Nondisclosure Causing Pecuniary Loss
Chapter 23. Fraudulent Misrepresentation and Nondisclosure in Miscellaneous Transactions
Division 5. Defamation
Chapter 24. Invasions of Interest in Repudiation
Chapter 25. Defenses to Actions for Defamation
Chapter 26. Burden of Proof and Function of Judge and Jury in Actions for Defamation
Chapter 27. Measure of Damages in Actions for Defamation
Division 6. Injurious Falsehood
Chapter 28. Injurious Falsehood
Division 6A. Privacy
Chapter 28A. Invasion of Privacy
Division 7. Unjustifiable Litigation
Chapter 29. Wrongful Prosecution of Criminal Proceedings
Chapter 30. Wrongful Use of Civil Proceedings
Chapter 31. Abuse of Process
Division 8. Interference in Domestic Relations
Chapter 32. Marriage Relation
Chapter 33. Relation of Parent and Child
William L. Prosser, University of California, Hastings College of Law, San Francisco, CA
John W. Wade, Vanderbilt University School of Law, Nashville, TN
Associate Reporter for Chapter 41:
Frank J. Trelease, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, Sacramento, CA
649 pages, 1979, #5206
Volume 4 covers interference with advantageous economic relations; invasions of interests in land other than by trespass; miscellaneous rules; defenses applicable to all tort claims; and remedies. It contains Sections 708-End.
Volume 4 covers interference with advantageous economic relations; invasions of interests in land other than by trespass; miscellaneous rules; defenses applicable to all tort claims; and remedies.
Division 9. Interference with Advantageous Economic Relations
Chapter 37. Interference with Contract or Prospective Contractual Relation
Chapter 37A. Interference with Other Forms of Advantageous Economic Relations
Division 10. Invasions of Interests in Land Other Than By Trespass
Chapter 39. Interests in the Support of Land
Chapter 40. Nuisance
Chapter 41. Interference with the Use of Water (“Riparian Rights”)
Division 11. Miscellaneous Rules
Chapter 42. Interference with Various Protected Interests
Chapter 43. Rules Applicable to Certain Types of Conduct
Chapter 44. Contributing Tortfeasors
Division 12. Defenses Applicable to All Tort Claims
Chapter 45. Justification and Excuse
Chapter 45A. Immunities
Chapter 46. Discharge
Division 13. Remedies
Chapter 47. Damages
Chapter 48. Injunction
William L. Prosser, University of California, Hastings College of Law, San Francisco, CA
John W. Wade, Vanderbilt University School of Law, Nashville, TN
Associate Reporter for Chapter 41:
Frank J. Trelease, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, Sacramento, CA