Oren Bar-Gill’s scholarship focuses on the law and economics of contracts and contracting. His publications include: SEDUCTION BY CONTRACT: LAW, ECONOMICS AND PSYCHOLOGY IN CONSUMER MARKETS (Oxford University Press, 2012); "Exchange Efficiency with Weak Ownership Rights” (with Nicola Persico), which will appear in the American Economic Journal: Microeconomics; “Product Use Information and the Limits of Voluntary Disclosure” (with Oliver Board), which appeared in the American Law and Economics Review (2014); "Consent and Exchange" (with Lucian Bebchuk), which appeared in the Journal of Legal Studies (2010); "The Law, Economics, and Psychology of Subprime Mortgage Contracts," which appeared in the Cornell Law Review (2009); "The Prisoners' (Plea Bargain) Dilemma" (with Omri Ben-Shahar), which appeared in the Journal of Legal Analysis (2009); "Making Credit Safer" (with Elizabeth Warren), which appeared in the University of Pennsylvania Law Review (2008); "Bundling and Consumer Misperception," which appeared in the University of Chicago Law Review (2006); “Credible Coercion” (with Omri Ben-Shahar), which appeared in the Texas Law Review (2005); “Seduction by Plastic,” which appeared in the Northwestern University Law Review (2004); and “The Law of Duress and the Economics of Credible Threats” (with Omri Ben-Shahar), which appeared in the Journal of Legal Studies (2004).
Bar-Gill joined Harvard Law School in July 2014 from New York University School of Law, where he was the Evelyn and Harold Meltzer Professor of Law and Economics. Bar-Gill holds a B.A. (economics), LL.B., M.A. (law & economics) and Ph.D. (economics) from Tel-Aviv University, as well as an LL.M. and S.J.D. from Harvard Law School.
Bar-Gill is the recipient of the American Law Institute’s Young Scholars Medal (in 2011). He currently serves (together with Omri Ben-Shahar and Florencia Marotta-Wurgler) as Reporter for the Restatement of the Law, Consumer Contracts.