Robin Kundis Craig is the Robert C. Packard Trustee Chair in Law at the University of Southern California Gould School of Law, where her research focuses on "all things water," especially the impact of climate change on freshwater resources and the oceans, the Clean Water Act, and the intersection of water and energy law.
She is the author, co-author, or editor of five books, including The End of Sustainability: Resilience and the Future of Environnental Governance in the Anthropocene (with Melinda Harm Benson); Comparative Ocean Governance; Environmental Law in Context; Modern Water Law: Private Property, Public Rights, and Environmental Protection (with Robert W. Adler and Noah D. Hall) and Toxic and Environmental Torts (with Michael D. Green, Andrew R. Klein, and Joseph Sanders).
At USC Gould, Professor Craig teaches Civil Procedure to first-year students and Environmental Law, Water Law, Ocean & Coastal Law, and Toxic Torts to upper-division students. She is also involved in coastal adaptation research with USC Sea Grant and a variety of aquaculture research projects with her science colleagues.
Professor Craig previously taught at the Lewis & Clark School of Law; Western New England College School of Law in Springfield, Massachusetts; Indiana University-Indianapolis School of Law; the Florida State University College of Law in Tallahassee, Florida; and the University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law in Salt Lake City, Utah. Her areas of professional expertise include Environmental Law, Ocean & Coastal Law, Water Law, Toxic Torts, Administrative Law, Property, and Civil Procedure.
While in law school, she worked for the Natural Resources Section, General Counsel Division, of the Oregon Department of Justice, which allowed her to work on a variety of environmental law issues, from Clean Water Act litigation to CERCLA cleanups to salmon and tribal issues to the intersection of state tax law and environmental law. After graduation, she clerk for two years for Judge Robert E. Jones on the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon.
EDUCATION: Pomona College, B.A.; Johns Hopkins University, M.A.; U.C. Santa Barbara, Ph.D.; Lewis & Clark School of Law, J.D.