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Life Member


Minneapolis, MN, USA
Tennessen Law Firm (Retired)
University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota Law School, JD

Retired from active practice of law in 2015, remain a member of the bar and continue to be active in the Uniform Law Conference..Have been a Uniform Law Commissioner from Minnesota since 1989.  Served on the  ULC Executive Committee, Scope and Prigram Committee, and chaired the Legislative Committee for several years. Chaired the drafting committee that drafted the Uniform Criminal Records Accuracy Act and served on many other crafting committees.  Served on the board of the Guthrie Theater, chaired the board of Groves Academy, a school for children with learning difficulties, and other boards and committees..  Organized and chaired the Basilica of St Mary, Mpls, fiinance council.  Served in the Minnesota Senate for 12 years.  Appointed to the US Privacy Protection Study Commission by the US Senate as one of its two appointments to the seven member commission.  Chaired the board of The Advocacy Group, an international association of government relations firms.