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Tallahassee, FL, USA
Florida State University College of Law
Fordham University, B.S.
University of Texas School of Law, J.D.

Don Weidner is Dean and Professor Emeritus at Florida State University College of Law, where he served as Dean for almost 25 years.  Don is an expert on unincorporated busines forms, property and real estate finance, and alternative dispute resolution.  He has written and spoken extensively in these areas and has been active in statutory law reform. He has been a visiting professor at Stanford Law School, the University of Texas Law School, The University of New Mexico School of Law, and the University of North Carolina Law School.  Don was a  Florida appointee to the Uniform Law Commission from 2011-2023 and served as Florida's Legislative Liaison for that group.  He is an arbitrator with the American Arbitration Association and a mediator and arbitrator with Upchurch Watson White & Max.