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Elected Member


Boston, MA, USA
Boston University School of Law
Southeast Missouri State University, BA, Summa
Washington University in St. Louis, Ph.D. (Philosophy)
Harvard Law School, JD, Magna

Christopher T. Robertson joined the Boston University School of Law faculty in 2020 as a tenured professor and N. Neal Pike Scholar in Health & Disability Law. He is also a Professor of Health Law, Policy & Management in the BU School of Public Health.

Professor Robertson is an expert in health law, institutional design, and decision making. His wide-ranging work includes torts, bioethics, professional responsibility, conflicts of interests, criminal justice, evidence, the First Amendment, racial disparities, and corruption.

In 2019, Harvard University Press published Exposed: Why Our Health Insurance is Incomplete and What Can be Done About It. Robertson has co-edited three books, Nudging Health: Behavioral Economics and Health Law (2016), Blinding as a Solution to Bias: Strengthening Biomedical Science, Forensic Science, and Law (2016), and Innovation and Protection: The Future of Medical Device Regulation (2022).

Acting in legal reform movements, Robertson has worked for the board of trustees of the California State Bar to reduce racial disparities in the attorney discipline system. He previously served as reporter for the Health Law Monitoring Committee of the Uniform Law Commission. For over a decade, he has served on the clinical ethics committee of an academic medical center.

Working to reform legal education, Robertson is leading the development of JD-Next, a national program designed to reduce disparities in preparation for law school and to provide a more reliable predictor of student success. The program has partnered with 35 law schools and has four peer-reviewed studies showing efficacy of the course and validity of the test, without large racial disparites. In 2023, the ABA cleared law schools to begin using test for admissions, through an accreditation variance process.

With ETS, Robertson also conducted the first major study of the validity of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) as an admissions test for JD programs, which led to 90+ schools, including Harvard, Yale, and BU now relying on the exam. Robertson has also pioneered legal education for undergraduates and non-lawyer professionals.

Robertson previously served as associate dean for research and innovation and professor of law at the University of Arizona. Professor Robertson has served as a visiting professor at Harvard Law School, NYU Law, and the London School of Economics, and as a visiting scholar at the Brown University Policy Lab. He is affiliated with the Petrie Flom Center for Health Care Policy, Bioethics and Biotechnology at Harvard and the NYU Langone Health Working Group on Compassionate Use and Pre-Approval Access (CUPA). Robertson’s legal practice has focused on complex litigation involving medical and scientific disputes, and he continues to work with litigators through his firm, Hugo Analytics.