
Andrea Schneider is the director of the Kukin Program for Conflict Resolution at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in New York City. Previously she was the inaugural director of the Institute for Women’s Leadership at Marquette University and also served as the Director of the nationally ranked ADR program at Marquette University Law School where she taught ADR, Negotiation, Ethics, and International Conflict Resolution.
Professor Schneider is the author or co-author of numerous books and book chapters in the field of dispute resolution. Her most recently published works include Discussions in Dispute Resolution: The Foundational Articles edited with Art Hinshaw and Sarah Cole (Oxford University Press 2021); Negotiating Crime: Plea Bargaining, Problem Solving and Dispute Resolution in the Criminal Context with Cynthia Alkon (Carolina Academic Press 2019); and Negotiation Essentials for Lawyers (ABA Publishing, 2019) and The Negotiator’s Desk Reference (DRI Press 2017) both co-edited with Chris Honeyman. Another recent book, which she co-authored with her father David Kupfer, is Smart & Savvy: Negotiation Strategies in Academia (Meadows Communication 2017). Her textbooks include Dispute Resolution: Examples and Explanations (Aspen 2009, 2nd ed. 2011, 3rd ed. 2014, 4th ed. 2020) with Michael Moffitt as well as Negotiation: Processes For Problem-Solving (Aspen 2006, 2nd ed. 2014, 3rd ed. 2021), Mediation: Practice, Policy & Ethics (Aspen 2006, 2nd ed. 2013, 3rd ed. 2020) and Dispute Resolution: Beyond The Adversarial Model (Aspen 2005, 2nd ed. 2011, 3rd ed 2019), with Carrie Menkel-Meadow, Lela Love & Michael Moffitt. She also is a co-author of two additional books on negotiation with Roger Fisher, Beyond Machiavelli: Tools for Coping with Conflict (Harvard University Press 1994) and Coping with International Conflict (Prentice-Hall 1997). Professor Schneider also wrote Creating the Musee The Politics of Culture in France (Penn State Press, 1998). Professor Schneider has published numerous articles on negotiation, plea bargaining, negotiation pedagogy, ethics, gender and international conflict. She currently serves as the co-editor of the ABA Dispute Resolution Magazine and on the Board of Advisors for the Saltman Center for Conflict Resolution at UNLV School of Law.
In 2009, Professor Schneider was awarded the Woman of the Year Award given by the Wisconsin Law Journal and the Association for Women Lawyers. In 2000, Professor Schneider was given an Outstanding Achievement Award by the American College of Civil Trial Mediators for her work as the national coordinator for the ABA Law Student Representation in Mediation Competition. She is a founding editor of Indisputably, the blog for ADR law faculty and started the Dispute Resolution Works-in-Progress annual conferences in 2007. In 2016, she gave her first TEDx talk entitled Women Don’t Negotiate and Other Similar Nonsense. She was named the 2017 recipient of the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Award for Outstanding Scholarly Work.
Professor Schneider gives negotiation trainings around the world to corporations, law firms, court systems, and, most recently, has focused on faculty in the STEM and medical fields for which she has now received federal grants for software development and training. Recent clients include American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Career Development Institute for Psychiatry, Continental Properties, Harley-Davidson, Johnson Controls, Medical College of Wisconsin, Sargento and WEC Energy Group.
Professor Schneider received her A.B. cum laude from the Woodrow Wilson School of International Affairs and Public Policy at Princeton University and her J.D. cum laude from Harvard Law School. She also received a Diploma from the Academy of European Law in Florence, Italy.