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Elected Member

The Hon.

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Federal Court of Australia
Melbourne, LL.B. (Hons); Arts
University of Melbourne, LL.M.
University of Virginia School of Law, S.J.D.

Dr. McEvoy holds bachelors and masters degrees in law from The University of Melbourne, and an S.J.D. from the University of Virginia. He took Silk in Victoria in 2016. Dr. McEvoy practises at the private Bar in Australia, appearing principally in Australian State Supreme Courts and the Federal Court of Australia at trial and appellate level in commercial and public law, in major torts including defamation, and in certain family law and criminal proceedings. Since 2001 he has taught annually in the Law School at the University of Virginia in the field of conflict of laws. He also serves as President of the Trans-Tasman IP Disciplinary Tribunal (Australia/New Zealand).