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Elected Member


Washington, DC, USA
Beveridge & Diamond, PC (Retired)
Dartmouth College
Harvard Law School

Ben Wilson is the Chairman of Beveridge & Diamond. He is a leader on ethics, compliance, and diversity and inclusion. 

Ben has been lead counsel in numerous complex environmental litigation and regulatory matters for major consumer product corporations, retailers, oil and gas companies, municipalities, and developers. He served as the Court-Appointed Monitor for the Duke Energy coal ash spill remediation project and serves as Deputy Monitor for Emissions & Environmental in the Volkswagen AG emissions proceedings. He previously served as lead counsel at the largest chromium site in the United States. Ben also offers deep experience with environmental justice representations and is a recognized leader on diversity and inclusion issues in the legal profession. 

Ben represents a number of municipal government agencies on Clean Water Act enforcement, litigation, and project development matters, including the City of New Orleans, the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans, District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water), the Metropolitan Water District of Greater Chicago, and the San Antonio Water System.