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Elected Member


New York, NY, USA
New York University School of Law
Colorado State University
New York University School of Law

Vicki L. Been is the Boxer Family Professor of Law at NYU School of Law, the Director of NYU’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, and Affiliated Professor of Public Policy of the NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service.

A member of NYU School of Law’s faculty since 1990, Professor Been’s current research focuses on improving decision-making about how to build more resilient communities, the role of historic designation, and other regulations in shaping development patterns, and on the fairness and effectiveness of foreclosure responses such as mortgage modifications.

Following law school, she clerked for Judge Edward Weinfeld of the Southern District of New York and for Justice Harry Blackmun of the U.S. Supreme Court. She then became an Associate Professor at Rutgers University School of Law from 1988 to 1990, and later became a Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School from 1995 to 1996.

Professor Been writes about land use regulation and is the co-author of Land Use Controls, a widely used land casebook. In February 2014, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed Professor Been to serve as Commissioner of the Department of Housing Preservation and Development.

EDUCATION: Colorado State University, B.S.; New York University School of Law, J.D.