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Elected Member


San Francisco, CA, USA
University of California, Davis School of Law
Oberlin College
Yale Law School

Christopher Elmendorf is the Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor of Law at the University of California, Davis School of Law. Professor Elmendorf's varied teaching and research interests include election law, property and land-use law, statutory interpretation, and administrative law. He has published widely in top law journals, including the Yale Law Journal, Columbia Law Review, University of Chicago Law Review, New York University Law Review, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, California Law Review, Duke Law Journal, and Cornell Law Review, as well as leading peer-reviewed political science journals such as American Journal of Political Science, Political Analysis, Political Research Quarterly, and Political Behavior. His work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the MIT Election Science & Data Lab, and an Interdisciplinary Research Grant from the UC Davis Committee on Research.