
John C. Merchant is a partner at Dinsmore’s Cincinnati office. Depth and variation describe Mr. Merchant’s nearly 30 years of public finance practice. He has participated in traditional issue, economic development, and health care transactions, as bond and underwriter's counsel, for the issuance of obligations including bonds, notes and leases, for transactions throughout Ohio and Kentucky.
Mr. Merchant has served as bond/disclosure counsel for every general obligation, economic development revenue, and water revenue bond issue of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio since 2006.
Additionally, he has served as bond counsel and underwriter’s counsel for traditional issue financings related to schools and universities, transportation, and water and sewer projects, including new money transactions, and advance and current refunding. These financings have included features such as governmental master trust agreements and subordinated and taxable debt.
As bond and underwriter’s counsel for health care & other 501(c)(3) conduit transactions, he has experience with financing structures involving master trust indentures, leases, and financing agreements for private placements.
Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Merchant participated in public finance transactions in various positions with the Commonwealth of Kentucky.