The Hon.
Kevin Emas is a Judge on Florida’s Third District Court of Appeal and has been a member of the trial court bench for 14 years, serving in the Domestic Violence, Criminal, Civil, and Family divisions.
Prior to taking the bench, Judge Emas was an assistant public defender, an associate and partner with Fine Jacobson Schwarz Nash Block & England, and a partner with Thornton, Rothman & Emas. While serving on the Circuit Court bench, he was an active leader in the Florida Conference of Circuit Judges, as Conference Chair, Chair-elect, Secretary, Criminal Justice Section Chair, Criminal Education Chair, and Executive Committee member.
Since 1998, Judge Emas has been a faculty member of the Florida Judicial College, teaching newly elected and newly appointed judges prior to their taking the bench. He is also an adjunct faculty member of Florida International University College of Law and the University of Miami Law School, where he teaches in the Litigation Skills Program.
He has also taught at numerous statewide conferences for Circuit and County Court judges, and has served as a Faculty Chair for Florida’s College of Advanced Judicial Studies, responsible for developing judicial education curriculum for trial court judges serving in the criminal division. For 10 years, Judge Emas taught “Handling Capital Cases,” a course Florida judges must complete before becoming eligible to preside over a death penalty case.
EDUCATION: University of Florida, B.A.; University of Miami School of Law, J.D.