
Virginia-Duke Foreign Relations Law Roundtable

Virginia-Duke Foreign Relations Law Roundtable

UVA School of Law and Duke Law School hosted a roundtable discussion on Feb. 26. This year’s event was entitled “The President’s Delegated Foreign Affairs Powers” and brought together an impressive group of scholars to discuss the U.S. president’s foreign affairs powers, and how they might be checked by other branches of government. 

The event was organized by Kristen Eichensehr, current director of UVA Law’s National Security Law Center, and ALI members Curtis A. Bradley of Duke Law and Ashley Deeks, the former director of the center who is on leave working for the White House.  

Other ALI members who participated include:  

Jean Galbraith, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School 
Jack Landman Goldsmith, Harvard Law School 
Oona A. Hathaway, Yale Law School 
Timothy Meyer, Vanderbilt Law School 
Saikrishna B. Prakash, University of Virginia School of Law 
Paul B. Stephan, University of Virginia School of Law 
Edward T. Swaine, George Washington University Law School 
Ingrid Brunk Wuerth, Vanderbilt Law School 

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