Each year, ALI’s Annual Meeting includes a session with business reports from ALI leadership. Now more than ever, it is important that our membership remains updated on matters of the Institute, including how our work continues during this time. That is why, despite the cancellation of this year's Annual Meeting, ALI has prepared a video on this year's business reports.
President David F. Levi opens the video with an important statement, as well as an overview of the state of the Institute. He then introduces the executive members and committee chairs as they provide their reports on Institute matters.
The following are listed in the order in which they presented:
Richard L. Revesz, Director
Roberta Cooper Ramo, Immediate Past President and 100th Anniversary Committee Co-chair
Stephanie A. Middleton, Deputy Director
Teresa Wilton Harmon, Membership Committee Chair
Wallace B. Jefferson, Treasurer
Steven O. Weise, Investment Committee Chair
Judith A. Miller, Development Committee Chair
Anthony J. Scirica, Nominating Committee Chair
This year's Annual Meeting was cancelled. President Levi addresses the cancellation in this announcement.