From over 500 nominations, Molly S. Van Houweling of UC Berkeley School of Law is one of 43 recipients of UC Berkeley’s Extraordinary Teaching in Extraordinary Times award. This new award is intended to honor faculty, staff, and student instructors that embraced the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and engaged in or supported excellent teaching.
“Molly created an atmosphere of hope and normalcy even in such a challenging time,” said Andrea Roth, a fellow UC Berkeley Law professor. “I guess that’s not surprising, coming from someone who’s not only a great teacher herself but a leading copyright scholar and an athlete who until recently held the women’s world record for bicycling distance in an hour. Still, even given her superhuman status, she got us to find unexpected joy, humor, and insight in remote teaching and led us back into the light.”
Read the full announcement here.
Van Houweling is the Harold C. Hohbach Distinguished Professor of Patent Law and Intellectual Property at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law. She also serves as Associate Dean for J.D. Curriculum and Teaching and is Co-Director of the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology. She is an Associate Reporter on the Restatement of Copyright Law project.