Maritime lawyer Michael Marks Cohen of New York died on December 1, 2012, at the age of 75. Elected to ALI in 1982, Mr. Cohen was a fixture at Institute meetings, serving as an Adviser for the Restatement Third of Agency and participating in the Members Consultative Groups for nine different Institute projects, including the current projects on Principles of the Law of Liability Insurance and the Restatement Third, The U.S. Law of International Commercial Arbitration. In 2004, the Institute honored him with its John Minor Wisdom Award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to ALI’s work. A former senior partner at Burlingham Underwood LLP, he was of counsel to Nicoletti Hornig & Sweeney; he also taught admiralty at Columbia Law School for more than 30 years. Shortly before his death, Mr. Cohen was selected by the American Bar Association to receive the 2013 Leonard J. Theberge Award for Private International Law.