ALI CLE regularly publishes four legal magazines with articles to help lawyers keep current. We will begin to host one article a month on this website. The first post, ‘Practical Success—10 Days To Launch Your Client Development Efforts: Days 1-5,’ is featured in The Practical Lawyer, and is part one of a two-part series by Cordell Parvin, a former practicing lawyer who now has a successful career coaching lawyers on business development and client relations.
In the most recent edition of The Practical Lawyer, he introduces a daily action plan for lawyers to incorporate into their client development scheme:
“Have you ever heard the term: ‘Chunking?’ The essence of it is to learn in small chunks. …
A lawyer, who had read about chunking, asked me to write a day-by-day short action plan to get started with client development.
This column and my next one will be how to get started in 10 days. So, I urge you to try an experiment over the next 5 days and implement each item below and then when my April column is printed go back and implement my ideas for days 6-10.”
Read the full article here.
To subscribe to The Practical Lawyer, visit ALI CLE online.