
January Council Meeting Updates

January Council Meeting Updates

At its January 2017 meeting, the Council took the following actions concerning project drafts:

Council approved the drafts of Sections 6x.04, 6.14, and 7.09 presented in the Reporters’ Memoranda to the Council, subject to the discussion at the meeting and the usual editorial prerogative. 

Conflict of Laws
Council approved Chapter 1 and Sections 2.01-2.07 of Council Draft No. 1, subject to the discussion at the meeting and the usual editorial prerogative. There was insufficient time to consider the remainder of Chapter 2 or Chapter 5. This project will not be on the agenda for the 2017 Annual Meeting, but the approved portions will be presented at a future Annual Meeting.

Liability Insurance
Council approved Council Draft No. 3, subject to the discussion at the meeting and the usual editorial prerogative. 

Foreign Relations
Council approved Council Draft No. 2 of Treaties, Council Draft No. 3 of Jurisdiction, and Council Draft No. 3 of Sovereign Immunity, in each case subject to the discussion at the meeting and the usual editorial prerogative. 

Election Administration
Council approved Council Draft No. 3, subject to the discussion at the meeting and the usual editorial prerogative. 

International Commercial Arbitration
Council approved Council Draft No. 5, subject to the discussion at the meeting and the usual editorial prerogative. The material in Council Draft No. 5 will be presented at the 2018 Annual Meeting along with the remaining portions of the project, which the Reporters will discuss with the Advisers and Members Consultative Group this fall.

Consumer Contracts
The Reporters will revise Council Draft No. 3 to incorporate the discussion at the Council meeting and will present it as a Discussion Draft at the Annual Meeting. 

Sexual Assault
Council approved Sections 213.0(7), 213.1, and 213.2 of Council Draft No. 5, subject to the discussion at the meeting and the usual editorial prerogative. There was insufficient time to consider Sections 213.3 and 213.4. 

Charitable Nonprofits
Council approved Council Draft No. 3, subject to the discussion at the meeting and the usual editorial prerogative.