Daily Update - Monday, May 20

What Happened Today at the Annual Meeting – Monday Edition

ALI's 2024 Annual Meeting began this morning in San Francisco. President David F. Levi opened with the call to order, sharing updates on the Institute’s progress since our last Meeting.

The opening session continued with remarks from Director Diane P. Wood, celebrating the collaborative spirit of the Institute. She thanked the membership for their constant dedication to ALI’s work, encouraging them to participate in current and future projects. Director Wood also highlighted the importance of our work to U.S. courts, as well as the relationships being forged on the international front.
The session continued with the presentation of reports and business, including the election by membership of new Council members.

The first project on the agenda was Property. Council member Carolyn B. Kuhl joined Reporter Henry E. Smith and Associate Reporters Molly E. Brady, Sara C. Bronin, Thomas W. Merrill, and R. Wilson Freyermuth to present Tentative Draft No. 5, which includes material from Volume 4 (Divided and Shared Ownership) on leases, Volume 5 (Title and Transfers of Ownership) on conveyances of real property, and Volume 7 (Public Local Land-Use Regulation) on zoning.
Actions Taken*
Membership voted to approve the draft.
Today’s luncheon welcomed new ALI Members from the Class of 2023. The luncheon featured a discussion on Restatement of the Law, Constitutional Torts between Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California and project Reporter Pamela S. Karlan of Stanford Law School.

The next project was Torts: Miscellaneous Provisions, which was discussed before and after lunch. Council member Goodwin Liu joined Reporter Michael D. Green, R. Ammi Cutter Reporter’s Chair Nora Freeman Engstrom, and Associate Reporters Guy Miller Struve to present Tentative Draft No. 3. This draft contains material on Medical Monitoring, Statutes of Limitations and Repose, Negligent Misrepresentation Causing Physical Harm, Wrongful-Death and Survival Actions, Interference with Family Relationships, Aiding and Abetting Negligence Torts, Agreements to Engage in Conduct that is Negligent or Reckless, the Firefighter’s Rule, Bad-Faith Performance of First-Party Insurance Contract, Spoliation of Evidence, Equitable Estoppel as a Defense to Tort Liability, Tort Liability Based on Estoppel, Prenatal Injury, Wrongful Pregnancy, Wrongful Birth, and Wrongful Life, Liability for the Provision of Alcohol, and Negligence Liability of Product Suppliers.

Actions Taken*

A motion to replace the black letter on Medical Monitoring did not pass.

A motion to replace the black letter on the Firefighter’s Rule passed.

A motion to replace the black letter on § 20 A, Bad-Faith Performance of First-Party Insurance Contract, did not pass.

The membership voted to approve Tentative Draft No. 3 as amended by the motion regarding the Firefighter’s Rule.

The conclusion of the Torts: Miscellaneous Provisions session was followed by the presentation of the Distinguished Service Award to Lance Liebman and the John Minor Wisdom Award to Thelton E. Henderson. Learn more about Liebman and Henderson and their respective awards here.

*All approvals by membership at the Annual Meeting are subject to the discussion at the Meeting and usual editorial prerogative.